Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Final German Blog

For this chapter I will be discussing what I found to be the most interesting aspect of these chapters in my opinion, which is the leading up to WWII and Hitler’s leadership in the country beginning at WWI. As previously stated in my last blog, many of the changes happening after the end of the Holy Roman Empire, created many questions of identity in the Germany eyes, leaving them desperate to find these answers.  
 -France WWI-

Germany went into WWI believing that it would be over in a matter of weeks (Schulze, 191). They believed that this would be possible through the Schlieffen plan. The general staffs strategy could work if and only if the Germans won decisive victories (Schulze, 192). Through 1914-1918, Germans dug themselves in because they barely moved. Because of this, the enthusiasm at home started dying of the years. Protestant leaders, religious and military workers started protesting that this was now an act of Satan and should no longer be done. This was just the beginning. During this time, with spirits running low on the home land, there was now food shortages that plagued the nation. “As far as the management of food supplies was concerned, the war was already lost by the beginning of the third year” (Schulze, 193). Although this battle was still taking place, it was clear that there would no longer be a victory in sight. The Germans began this battle pushing to answer the identity questions they’ve had for many years, but this battle just left them defeated in every sense possible. The next problem to arise was changing the government from an authoritarian government to a democratic one. But this wouldn’t be as hard as they assumed. They only needed to change a few sentences written in the Bismarck Constitution. The German people didn’t necessarily understand the changes that were now being made, but they believed the progress to peace was through these changes. With this new form of government the people needed to have a voice and through the voting 76% of the country voted for the new government and were happy! Until May 7, 1919 when the allies spoke out and took away their land and power, leaving themselves unable to protect their people in anyway. The allies forced the Germans to sign the treaty of Versailles, which places the Germans under legal sanctions, demilitarization of the any military power, economically ruined, and politically humiliated. The leaders chose to sign this in order to help their people, but this led to creating the platform of the rising and falling of the Weimar Republic.

 -Hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic-

During the Weimar Republic, the Social Democratic Party continued to try to hold together the pieces of the country that were left torn apart by the allies created. But some of these policies were not what the right-wing parties wanted (Schulze, 215). Between 1924-1929, Stresemann led the country in regaining its identity, but worn out from constant domestic (national) struggle, he had a heart attack and passed away. After passing away Bruning became president but shorty resigning on May 30, 1932. In this time, Hitler came to public’s eye with his National Societal Germans Word Party. He was talented and charismatic and held it together, which is exactly what the people needed. The new president Hindenburg, didn’t trust Hitler and waited until the last moment possible to establish him as the chancellor. January 30, 1933 Hitler became the official chancellor marking the end of the Weimar republic (Schulze, 243).  He only did this because his other political advisors wanted this and so did the people. But once in power he made his move.  The first motion he started was pushing the signing of the Enabling Act. What this act did was made it legal to make decisions and laws without the legislature’s approval. He then started to convince the people through positive and negative reinforcements. He created fear in the people and especially in his opposes. Ernst Rohm was the chief of staff for the SA that was assonated. It was soon discovered the Hitler’s Nazis were found to be the hand in his unfortunate death. He started using propaganda and the silencing of academic leaders from changing any view from straying from his own personal agenda. March 12, 1938 Germans marched into Austria seizing force and creating an example the whole world was meant to fear. Soon Hitler also declared war on the United States of America, only four days after Japan. His main goal in this was to make sure that the US didn’t come to terms with Japan and make amends before his goal was met. If the US was fighting Japan it would be preoccupied and without additional resource and although his hopes were large, he knew that the Western Allies could stop him if given the chance.


These were just the beginnings of what he implemented across the world and too many individuals of certain demographics. Although this mas was truly someone to fear and hate, he was ingenious is his technique of gaining power through fear and also use of authority. I also find this extremely interesting because of Zimbardo’s further testing of authority in the psychology world, which is my academic field. What’s most interesting is how Zimbardo research and looked into how Hitler created such a huge level of trust in the people and how a majority of how it happened was through his general authority as chancellor of Germany.