Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Final German Blog

For this chapter I will be discussing what I found to be the most interesting aspect of these chapters in my opinion, which is the leading up to WWII and Hitler’s leadership in the country beginning at WWI. As previously stated in my last blog, many of the changes happening after the end of the Holy Roman Empire, created many questions of identity in the Germany eyes, leaving them desperate to find these answers.  
 -France WWI-

Germany went into WWI believing that it would be over in a matter of weeks (Schulze, 191). They believed that this would be possible through the Schlieffen plan. The general staffs strategy could work if and only if the Germans won decisive victories (Schulze, 192). Through 1914-1918, Germans dug themselves in because they barely moved. Because of this, the enthusiasm at home started dying of the years. Protestant leaders, religious and military workers started protesting that this was now an act of Satan and should no longer be done. This was just the beginning. During this time, with spirits running low on the home land, there was now food shortages that plagued the nation. “As far as the management of food supplies was concerned, the war was already lost by the beginning of the third year” (Schulze, 193). Although this battle was still taking place, it was clear that there would no longer be a victory in sight. The Germans began this battle pushing to answer the identity questions they’ve had for many years, but this battle just left them defeated in every sense possible. The next problem to arise was changing the government from an authoritarian government to a democratic one. But this wouldn’t be as hard as they assumed. They only needed to change a few sentences written in the Bismarck Constitution. The German people didn’t necessarily understand the changes that were now being made, but they believed the progress to peace was through these changes. With this new form of government the people needed to have a voice and through the voting 76% of the country voted for the new government and were happy! Until May 7, 1919 when the allies spoke out and took away their land and power, leaving themselves unable to protect their people in anyway. The allies forced the Germans to sign the treaty of Versailles, which places the Germans under legal sanctions, demilitarization of the any military power, economically ruined, and politically humiliated. The leaders chose to sign this in order to help their people, but this led to creating the platform of the rising and falling of the Weimar Republic.

 -Hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic-

During the Weimar Republic, the Social Democratic Party continued to try to hold together the pieces of the country that were left torn apart by the allies created. But some of these policies were not what the right-wing parties wanted (Schulze, 215). Between 1924-1929, Stresemann led the country in regaining its identity, but worn out from constant domestic (national) struggle, he had a heart attack and passed away. After passing away Bruning became president but shorty resigning on May 30, 1932. In this time, Hitler came to public’s eye with his National Societal Germans Word Party. He was talented and charismatic and held it together, which is exactly what the people needed. The new president Hindenburg, didn’t trust Hitler and waited until the last moment possible to establish him as the chancellor. January 30, 1933 Hitler became the official chancellor marking the end of the Weimar republic (Schulze, 243).  He only did this because his other political advisors wanted this and so did the people. But once in power he made his move.  The first motion he started was pushing the signing of the Enabling Act. What this act did was made it legal to make decisions and laws without the legislature’s approval. He then started to convince the people through positive and negative reinforcements. He created fear in the people and especially in his opposes. Ernst Rohm was the chief of staff for the SA that was assonated. It was soon discovered the Hitler’s Nazis were found to be the hand in his unfortunate death. He started using propaganda and the silencing of academic leaders from changing any view from straying from his own personal agenda. March 12, 1938 Germans marched into Austria seizing force and creating an example the whole world was meant to fear. Soon Hitler also declared war on the United States of America, only four days after Japan. His main goal in this was to make sure that the US didn’t come to terms with Japan and make amends before his goal was met. If the US was fighting Japan it would be preoccupied and without additional resource and although his hopes were large, he knew that the Western Allies could stop him if given the chance.


These were just the beginnings of what he implemented across the world and too many individuals of certain demographics. Although this mas was truly someone to fear and hate, he was ingenious is his technique of gaining power through fear and also use of authority. I also find this extremely interesting because of Zimbardo’s further testing of authority in the psychology world, which is my academic field. What’s most interesting is how Zimbardo research and looked into how Hitler created such a huge level of trust in the people and how a majority of how it happened was through his general authority as chancellor of Germany.  

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Germany Blog #5

In order to understand German culture, we must understand how Germany had become an actual nation. Throughout this chapter and this blog I will discuss not only the end of the Holy Roman Empire, but how it created the birth of modern Germany. But when it first started to develop there were several challenges The citizens had to overcome. For starters the treaties of Münster and Osnabrück were considered setbacks in the establishment of a nation state. The treaties were part of the treaty known as, the Peace of Westphallia which ended the Thirty Year’s War. Both of these treaties were considered setbacks in the establishment of the German state. Then “Prince Elector Frederick III named himself “King of Prussia” and the people of Vienna laughed and disregarded his rule” (78, Schulze). Next is that the Holy Roman Empire is destroyed. To get to the birth of Germany, we must have the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire. But that’s the fun fact, there was no destruction. The Holy Roman Empire was thriving upon “guarantees of the European powers, but also legally, through feudal privileges and obligations” (69, Schulze). On July 12, 1806, Germany, rather the states that made up to Germany, signed an act which stripped them away from the Holy Roman Empire. It then established that Napoleon as the Theinbund (99, Schulze). It wasn’t until August 6, 1806 when Francis the II actually laid the crown down (99, Schulze). 

Germany was actually not a term that could be labeled or actually held meaning to it. “Ludwig von Seckendorff in 1656 declared in his Teutscher Fürstenstaat (“The German Principality”), that a “German nation” in the political sense existed, but stated that it was challenging to describe and that several other nations existed within it on lower levels” (Schulze 86). While Germany was trying to develop its nation, the next to grow is the education. The social structure grew into a mold where the educated elite were at the top. Because the elite class grew it created a standard German language from the regional dialects and local idioms (89, Schulze). But with this created a twist in who was the heroes and the stars of the country. Germany no longer looked up to the princes or military leader, rather now the vast assortment of poets and philosophers (91, Schulze). 

In 1871 Germany became unified. In order to achieve this, Bismark was the chancellor that created this unification. He teamed up with the Hohenzollern Dynasty in order to establish the German Empire. Because of this they developed an authoritarian style government. The ruling started in 1871-1890 with Kaiser Wilhem I. Wilhelm was considered weak but he was working and controlled by Bismark. Next came Kaiser Wilhelm II who was in control until World War I in 1914. Although this sounds like it would work, it didn’t actually unify the state. In fact it just opened the door to seeing that there was so many things left unsettled. It didn’t have on religion, one powerhouse, one culture, etc. So instead they fought to answer all these question. By unifying the land it was supposed to connect all the loose ends, rather it left with even more problems to be solved.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

Watching this documentary was very interesting. During the 80’s, my uncle was stationed in several parts of Europe including Germany. What I find very interesting is that, when I told him places that we were going he said that he wasn’t allowed to go to some of those places due to the government and the Americans support of the Western side.
 I always wanted to know what the sculpture on top of the Brandenburg gate stood for and it was interesting to find out that it was actually created for Fredrick II. Fredrick was born in Berlin and became known as Fredrick the Great because of his Military Genius. The Gate stood as an entrance to an amazing city that stood for progress and change. On top of the Gate stood the Goddess of victory, riding a chariot being pulled by four horses. They stated that he had designed the gate to represent peace and represent the hope of what can come into the future. What was interesting too thought, was that although he may have tried to deny the military, it was “always in his blood”. Weapons were placed around his house as decorations. They had a created a whimsical sense towards weaponry that may have been what introduced him to the sense of war. He wanted to make a name for himself, so he started many wars, which he won, to make his name. Which is very ironic because he stood for peace but got his title and strength through battle.
-Brandenburg Gate-
-Fredrick II-

I think that the thought of a revolutionary split between a country is something that is understandable, but the fact that the split is because a difference in political preference is very strange. The Berlin Wall was built in August 13th, 1961. I thought that the wall was built by the Western side to keep the communist side out. Little did I realize that the Eastern side put the wall up to stop everyone from leaving their side because of the communist party. I also didn’t realized that the East side was the Soviet Union, but the western side consisted of many different countries, including the United States, France and Great Britain. This would explain why my uncle was not allowed to travel unto the eastern side because they were against the eastern side. The Eastern side also constructed various tunnels and devised extreme ways to escape to freedom amongst the West side. Another interesting fact I found out was that the wall was also taken town later by the leader of Eastern Germany Political Party on November 9th, 1989, who stated that it was ok for Eastern side to cross sides. The night that was announced, people started crossing the bridge freely while tearing down parts of the wall as they partied and passed. What I took away as the most depressing part, in my opinion, was the fact that numerous people lost their jobs and lost their families. Some were never reconnected with their loved ones.
-The fall of the Berlin Wall-

For me this part of the history was super interesting because when you think the start of a country, it is usually when it is at its strongest peak. But this country was started through battles with the Roman Empire, battles between church and state, the creation of a new religion and the want of peace in a land paved by war.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Luther: The man who changed it all

 Martin Luther played such a crucial aspect in the political game for the same reasons he was stirring up trouble in the religious ways. Without one, he couldn’t have done the other. The reason I believe that this is true is because the reason he was altering the political stance was because of his views on religion. For starters, at the time that Luther was creating the thesis, the Christian Church was the main source of rules and power. They lead the crusade of the Roman Empire and had given the law to the land. These thesis were destroying everything that they had established and wrote as rule. But instead of other leaders getting torn and distraught over this when they had come together to rule if he was to be banned from the Roman Empire, the German princes had stood by his side. They believed in what he was fighting for. In fact, while riding through the land on his way to the meeting, people were praising his words, they were cheering and watching his passing in happiness. What this means is that not only were the political leaders understanding what he was saying but that the people were understanding and following his words as well. This proves how he alone is revolutionary in this aspect because at this time when many feared the Roman Empire one man stood up against them and moved the nation. He showed people the flaws in their beliefs and their ruling and was moving them towards a better life.

-Pope during Roman Empire-

To continue along the religious path another main point happened when he was also going down to meet the Roman Empire leaders, but said if it was to go to take back his Thesis, he would not. If it was to go to lose his life, he would go with pride as long as he went for what he believed in. This is a time where popes would throw around excommunication and terrify the land, but when he was threatened with this term, he laughed and threw it into the fire. The people of the German Lands laughed and also threw his wanted sheet into the river as well. They had no care for the Roman Rule anymore. It was as if once the door was opened, it was to never be closed again. He alone created the revolution in this land. After doing such, he started to write down a new religion, stating all the wrongs he saw fit in the Christian one. Saying that there was no need for the sacraments, the cardinals were unfair and the Pope was power hungry. He created a religion that stood by the Lord and only for the Lord. It was separating church and state, while also giving more power to the people of the church. He felt, the only way to keep it safe and fair was for the average people to share the beliefs and wants of the religion. The most important thing he probably had done was translated the bible into German. This way when starting the new religion it was to be understood by all and understood only as the Lord had wanted.

-Luther's Ninety-Five Theses-

I think this was so important for the German speaking lands, because before it they had no structure. It was just a land that was taken over by the Roman Empire. Its land was being taxed and used as a resource for the Roman people and the Germans were gaining nothing from it. People were becoming furious and it wasn’t uncommon to have smaller revolutions. Luther was the man who made it widespread, who spoke for the people and for the love of the Lord. He was not in fear of censorship because it mattered so much to him. This is iconic because even in the twenty-first century people are terrified to share their beliefs for fear of causing offense to another. Luther ultimately didn’t care. He not only wanted change, but demanded it, and that made him truly revolutionary.

-University Of Wittenburg-

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Germany Blog post #2

While reading the first two chapters there were numerous parts that I found very interesting. But before I delve into the second chapter, during the first chapter I found the way the history was portrayed in the Roman siege as very, well, ironic too say the least. Let me clarify, what the Roman Empire did to many groups of people and land was not humorous or light, but the way some describe the historic events that lead to the creation of the Roman empire is in itself quiet essential to understand the pride behind the nation.  When getting ready to study in Italy we also read a similar book portraying the history of Rome, but instead of describing the negativities brought upon by all the take overs and destruction, they had a more peaceful aspect towards it. Which of course they may never take ownership for their mistakes, we are all very proud people, it truly sheds light on the creation of Germany which is what I found most interesting in the second chapter. 
-Map of the Roman Empire-
One very interesting aspect was that the Roman Empire took claim to several territories that were clearly outside of their nation including northern Italy, the Swiss confederation and several different Germanic areas. But because of this different parts of the Germanic areas had different empires to claim their place. But since these areas were so large, there were times that the emperors never really visited these areas at all. They just took claim and taxed them. Clearly no one would settle well with this lifestyle and so during the medieval times, many territories had civil wars and rebellions against the empire that claimed them as their own. Things only started to get worse when Europe became over populated. Due to this overpopulation and lifestyle choices, it was a breeding ground for many diseases including the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death.
-Black Death-
What I found very interesting was how a group of people were claimed by so many, but never truly under one rule. For instance Charlemagne split the land into a weird separation to each of his grandsons, but then after that had ended the church played on the most crucial parts of the growth of Germany. Because the Catholic Church was already having issues, because they had no set rulers or identification for themselves their rebellions only furthered and continued on creating an even stronger stress on the community. Soon Martin Luther helped create a religious identification within the land, but until then the strain of the intertwining differences between church and state affected much of the land. Different groups weren’t doing their role in the community, for example farmers. They created a strain because of a lack of supplies that was essential to continue growing which lead to even more illnesses that just kept running rapid through the land.
-Martin Luther-

From what I have learned about Germany at this point is how their sense of honesty and truthfulness even in their negatives helps them grow as a nation. What I mean by this is that they are not afraid to point out their flaws or weaknesses, or even the weaknesses of someone else. What this helps them do is create a name for themselves. They understand where they have gone wrong in the past and are only moving forward as to not recreate the same mistakes as in the past. This is probably the most interesting part of the reading for myself, coming from family who came from Italy, even their tale of events are different from what history describes, which gives me a huge sense of respect for the Germanic culture.