Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Luther: The man who changed it all

 Martin Luther played such a crucial aspect in the political game for the same reasons he was stirring up trouble in the religious ways. Without one, he couldn’t have done the other. The reason I believe that this is true is because the reason he was altering the political stance was because of his views on religion. For starters, at the time that Luther was creating the thesis, the Christian Church was the main source of rules and power. They lead the crusade of the Roman Empire and had given the law to the land. These thesis were destroying everything that they had established and wrote as rule. But instead of other leaders getting torn and distraught over this when they had come together to rule if he was to be banned from the Roman Empire, the German princes had stood by his side. They believed in what he was fighting for. In fact, while riding through the land on his way to the meeting, people were praising his words, they were cheering and watching his passing in happiness. What this means is that not only were the political leaders understanding what he was saying but that the people were understanding and following his words as well. This proves how he alone is revolutionary in this aspect because at this time when many feared the Roman Empire one man stood up against them and moved the nation. He showed people the flaws in their beliefs and their ruling and was moving them towards a better life.

-Pope during Roman Empire-

To continue along the religious path another main point happened when he was also going down to meet the Roman Empire leaders, but said if it was to go to take back his Thesis, he would not. If it was to go to lose his life, he would go with pride as long as he went for what he believed in. This is a time where popes would throw around excommunication and terrify the land, but when he was threatened with this term, he laughed and threw it into the fire. The people of the German Lands laughed and also threw his wanted sheet into the river as well. They had no care for the Roman Rule anymore. It was as if once the door was opened, it was to never be closed again. He alone created the revolution in this land. After doing such, he started to write down a new religion, stating all the wrongs he saw fit in the Christian one. Saying that there was no need for the sacraments, the cardinals were unfair and the Pope was power hungry. He created a religion that stood by the Lord and only for the Lord. It was separating church and state, while also giving more power to the people of the church. He felt, the only way to keep it safe and fair was for the average people to share the beliefs and wants of the religion. The most important thing he probably had done was translated the bible into German. This way when starting the new religion it was to be understood by all and understood only as the Lord had wanted.

-Luther's Ninety-Five Theses-

I think this was so important for the German speaking lands, because before it they had no structure. It was just a land that was taken over by the Roman Empire. Its land was being taxed and used as a resource for the Roman people and the Germans were gaining nothing from it. People were becoming furious and it wasn’t uncommon to have smaller revolutions. Luther was the man who made it widespread, who spoke for the people and for the love of the Lord. He was not in fear of censorship because it mattered so much to him. This is iconic because even in the twenty-first century people are terrified to share their beliefs for fear of causing offense to another. Luther ultimately didn’t care. He not only wanted change, but demanded it, and that made him truly revolutionary.

-University Of Wittenburg-

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