Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Germany Blog post #2

While reading the first two chapters there were numerous parts that I found very interesting. But before I delve into the second chapter, during the first chapter I found the way the history was portrayed in the Roman siege as very, well, ironic too say the least. Let me clarify, what the Roman Empire did to many groups of people and land was not humorous or light, but the way some describe the historic events that lead to the creation of the Roman empire is in itself quiet essential to understand the pride behind the nation.  When getting ready to study in Italy we also read a similar book portraying the history of Rome, but instead of describing the negativities brought upon by all the take overs and destruction, they had a more peaceful aspect towards it. Which of course they may never take ownership for their mistakes, we are all very proud people, it truly sheds light on the creation of Germany which is what I found most interesting in the second chapter. 
-Map of the Roman Empire-
One very interesting aspect was that the Roman Empire took claim to several territories that were clearly outside of their nation including northern Italy, the Swiss confederation and several different Germanic areas. But because of this different parts of the Germanic areas had different empires to claim their place. But since these areas were so large, there were times that the emperors never really visited these areas at all. They just took claim and taxed them. Clearly no one would settle well with this lifestyle and so during the medieval times, many territories had civil wars and rebellions against the empire that claimed them as their own. Things only started to get worse when Europe became over populated. Due to this overpopulation and lifestyle choices, it was a breeding ground for many diseases including the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death.
-Black Death-
What I found very interesting was how a group of people were claimed by so many, but never truly under one rule. For instance Charlemagne split the land into a weird separation to each of his grandsons, but then after that had ended the church played on the most crucial parts of the growth of Germany. Because the Catholic Church was already having issues, because they had no set rulers or identification for themselves their rebellions only furthered and continued on creating an even stronger stress on the community. Soon Martin Luther helped create a religious identification within the land, but until then the strain of the intertwining differences between church and state affected much of the land. Different groups weren’t doing their role in the community, for example farmers. They created a strain because of a lack of supplies that was essential to continue growing which lead to even more illnesses that just kept running rapid through the land.
-Martin Luther-

From what I have learned about Germany at this point is how their sense of honesty and truthfulness even in their negatives helps them grow as a nation. What I mean by this is that they are not afraid to point out their flaws or weaknesses, or even the weaknesses of someone else. What this helps them do is create a name for themselves. They understand where they have gone wrong in the past and are only moving forward as to not recreate the same mistakes as in the past. This is probably the most interesting part of the reading for myself, coming from family who came from Italy, even their tale of events are different from what history describes, which gives me a huge sense of respect for the Germanic culture. 

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