Sunday, June 7, 2015

D-term Germany Blog #1

As “basic” as this may sound, I have the travel bug. I’m one of those people that have never traveled before college. Being in cheerleading took me to several different states, but each year I visited the same ones and they showed me the same stories. I always planned on traveling when I got older and just hoped to have the ability. Happily North Central was able to provide that. My family is what some call “off the boat”. What this means is that both sets of my grandparents left Italy and came to America to live the American dream off of a boat that landed them in Ellis Island. Because of this my family is well cultured in the Italian culture and growing up I truly notice differences between my family traditions and my friends. But I love this! I know that in America there are so many different cultures that make us whole and the ability to understand and observe them is truly a wonderful gift. The way my family celebrates different holidays, the ability to speak another language, and also the different sports we entertain ourselves in our just several differences being cultured taught me.

Unfortunately, I had wanted to study in Limerick Ireland my junior year, but sadly my dad had different plans. Although I was not allowed to study in Limerick for a term, my family believes in the beauty of traveling. This led me to study in Italy December 2014. It gave me a first-hand chance to see where my family was from and to see how the Italian culture cumulates in its “homeland”. This was amazing because it was funny for me to see people acting and talking the way my family always had. It gave me a new found respect for my family and all that we have kept whole and traditional upon living in America. Coming home was terribly sad for me, but also made me ecstatic to know that I could connect with my family and integrate what I’ve observed into my family traditions.

Once I had the opportunity to leave there was no looking back. Now that I have seen other cultures of the world first hand, I want to see them all. After going to the meeting I started talking to my uncle and aunts about various countries they’ve lived. My uncle and I got talking and he told me that Germany was his favorite country he lived in was Germany. My uncle’s background in the army and business, has had him living in multiple countries all over the world, including Rome, our home city, but even going home it was nothing compared to living in Germany. After hearing his input I started to look up about Germany and fell in love with our course. Italy gave me the ability to study the Art and Architecture of Italy, which brought us to study many museums that were once home to the noble classes of Italy, to walking the streets discussing its design styles. Knowing that in Germany we will be doing similar aspect made me excited so that I could compare what I’ve learned about one culture to another. My uncle told me that some of the greatest thing I may see is the government building, the Christkindlmarket, and the concentration camp. I’m so excited to see these cities in person and to also observe a new culture in person!

Word count: 572

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